Congratulations to all of the 2020 ACOMM Award Winners!
About the Awards
14 years of celebrating amazing industry achievements in innovation, customer service, community initiatives and more
Rewarding and profiling service providers, vendors, or suppliers of professional services, nationwide, regardless of size or location
Presented by Communications Alliance, providing a unified voice for the Australian communications industry since 2006
2021 Nominations will open in February 2021!
The 2020 ACOMMS was generously sponsored by
2021 Sponsorship Opportunities Available
- Benefit from vast coverage through extensive branding opportunities
- Gain valuable exposure in front of a targeted audience of over 450 industry leaders;
- Demonstrate your dedication to shaping the future of the communications industry in Australia.
To discuss, contact Carolyn Todd on
+61 3 9663 3093 or email sponsorship@acomms.com.au