
Frequently asked questions
We have tried to answer the most common questions and concerns about The ACOMM Awards, however, if there is a question that we may not have answered, please get in touch with us by phone 03 9663 3093 or email us at Other contact details can be found on the contact us page.
Tickets for the Dinner
Please note: The 2019 ACOMM Awards Dinner is sold out
Register at this link or alternatively, contact the friendly team at Slatterys on 03 9663 3093 or email at who can always assist. An earlybird discount on tickets is available until 31 May 2019. By registering early, you'll also get the best seats in the house, with table positions allocated on a first-in basis.
You can purchase individual tickets or a table of 10. An earlybird discount on tickets is available until 31 May 2019. By registering early, you'll also get the best seats in the house, with table positions allocated on a first-in basis. For all ticket pricing, click here.
That is fine! When you register your table you will be given a link to a downloadable table guest form (.xlsx) in your confirmation. We ask that you please complete and send this across to us as soon as you have your guests confirmed, or by the end of July at latest.
We do! Please just email to request, and we will send you an editable html invite with all of the details.
No, you will not receive physical ticket, just head to the registration desk at the event on your arrival and we'll be waiting with your nametag.
Of course, not a problem. Please drop us an email to or give our friendly staff a call on 03 9663 3093 with the details of who will be replacing you and we'll look after it from there.
Single tickets
Given written notice to of at least 30 days from the Dinner start time, we are happy to issue a full refund for any cancellation of single tickets.
Table bookings
Given written notice to of at least 60 days from the Dinner start time we are happy to issue a full refund for any cancellation of table bookings.
Due to demand for tickets, we cannot guarantee bookings if payment has not been received one month prior to the Dinner. Refunds are not provided for non-attendance on the day. Delegate substitutions may be made at any time. All refunds will incur a AUD50 administration fee. This fee will be deducted from the refund amount.
Given written notice to of at least 30 days from the Dinner start time, we are happy to issue a full refund for any cancellation of single tickets.
Table bookings
Given written notice to of at least 60 days from the Dinner start time we are happy to issue a full refund for any cancellation of table bookings.
Due to demand for tickets, we cannot guarantee bookings if payment has not been received one month prior to the Dinner. Refunds are not provided for non-attendance on the day. Delegate substitutions may be made at any time. All refunds will incur a AUD50 administration fee. This fee will be deducted from the refund amount.
Please drop us an email to or give our friendly staff a call on 03 9663 3093 with the details of who will be replacing you and we'll look after it from there.
Getting there & Accommodation
The Hyatt Regency Sydney is located at 161 Sussex Street, Sydney. You can drive, catch a taxi or public transport options are also available, with the Town Hall Train Station located only 550 meters from the hotel and numerous bus stops closeby. For more information on public transport options, click here.
Car parking is available at the Wilson Car Park (directly across the road from the Hotel) at 168 Sussex Street - with an evening rate of $15 for entry after 5:00pm (until 6:00am). The nearest train stations are Wynyard and Town Hall.
The Hyatt Regency Sydney are happy to offer ACOMM Awards Dinner guests a 10% discount off the best available rate, at the time of booking. Guests simply need to call the Hyatt Regency Sydney reservations team on 1300 558 100, advise them that you are attending the ACOMM Awards Dinner.
On the night
Given the response of recent years, The ACOMM Awards Dinner is expected to attract an audience of over 400, and up to 500 guests.
The ACOMM Awards Dinner will be held on Thursday 15 August 2018, starting from 6:00pm for networking drinks to be seated from 7:00pm for the commencement of formal proceedings. The dinner will conclude at approximately 10:30pm.
You certainly won't go home hungry! Canapes will be served upon arrival, followed by a divine three-course dinner in the Ballroom. And to wash it all down, beer, wine, soft drink and juice will also be available for the duration of the event.
Of course! For any special requirements, dietary or other, please let us know as soon as possible by contacting Slatterys on 03 9663 3093 or email at We will arrange with the venue to ensure you are well looked after on the night.
There will be a professional photographer and videographer circulating on the night, so there is a good chance it will be. A selection of photos and a highlights video will be available to view on the website shortly after the dinner. Please get in touch before or after the event if this causes you concern.
The official dress code for the Awards dinner is lounge suit or business attire. Many guests do come straight from work, however it's also a great excuse to get a bit dressed up if you would like to.
If you have business cards, don't forget to bring them! There will be lucky door prizes to be won, and a host of wonderful people to meet and connect with. Other than that, bring a smile and your generous self - be prepared to talk and network with others. Remember that meeting you might be one of the best things that happens to someone at the event!
Yes. For those with mobility restrictions or wheelchairs, the venue can be accessed via lifts. Wheelchair accessible toilets are located throughout the venue.
Yes. All Slatterys events (and partner events) are subject to the Slatterys' Community Charter. Please check it out for guidance on what kind of environments and values are nurtured at our events.
Thank you for your interest in spreading the word! Communications Alliance is on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, where you can join the conversation and share in any updates. If you are tweeting, please use the #ACOMMS2019 hashtag.
Please contact Rebeca Nasato from Slatterys at
Slatterys is proud to be managing the 2019 ACOMMS on behalf of Communications Alliance. For all general or registration enquiries, please contact the friendly team at Slatterys by phoning 03 9663 3093 or email us at
Nominations and Awards
You can start your nomination here. Submitting a nomination is easy - download the nomination form, complete the requirements, ensure you have all of your supporting documents and any testimonials and you're ready to submit!
Not sure where to start? We've included a step-by-step breakdown of the whole process and key dates here.
Not sure where to start? We've included a step-by-step breakdown of the whole process and key dates here.
There is no cost to nominate for an award... so what are you waiting for? Nominate now!
An ACOMM Award is; a recognition of excellence for current and prospective employees, investors, clients and customers; providing your organisation with a unique competitive advantage. The prestigious Awards night allows you the opportunity to be celebrated and surrounded by leaders within the communications industry.
To ensure professionalism and transparency, a judging panel of respected industry professionals with no conflicts of interest are chosen to examine the submitted nominations. The criteria for these nominations request all award entrants to complete a detailed document which includes supporting testimonials and additional documentation to support their submission.
Each judge will be assigned a number of categories and will be asked to score each submission in those categories based on all documentation provided by award entrants. The aggregate highest score will determine the winner of each award.
Download the snapshot of the eligibility and criteria table for each of the awards here. Please note, the nominating company needs to be registered and operating within Australia (ABN required on request). The nominee must also own the IP of the solution which they are nominating for the award and the entry must not have won an ACOMM Award (for the same product/solution/service) in the previous three years, with or without enhancement.
The judges can only assess your nomination on the information and materials supplied in the nomination form. We advise nominees to provide as much information as possible including any relevant supporting documentation and testimonials.
Supporting documents may include links to marketing campaigns and/or website initiatives, as well as soft copies of any marketing material. It is also recommended to include supporting testimonials for your nomination.
You will be asked to attach your Company Logo to your nomination. A high res (1MB - eps or ai) version of your company logo is preferred. The ACOMMS will only use your logo if your entry is shortlisted as a finalist in its given category(s) and will be used in the program booklet, displayed on the night and may be used in marketing material.
All information is highly confidential and is only shared within the event team and the judges of that category. The information is not published and any permissions would be sought if required.
If you wish to edit your nomination, please contact Kathy Sidaris from Communications Alliance before Friday 10 May 2019 on 02 9959 9111 or email her at
You are welcome to make more than one nomination. However, making more than one nomination does not increase your chances of becoming a finalist. Finalist selection is based on each individual nomination.
Nominations close at 5:00pm on Friday 10 May, 2019. If you foresee having problems meeting this deadline, please contact Kathy Sidaris from Communications Alliance on 02 9959 9111 or email her at
The shortlisted finalists will be announced publicly on Thursday 4 July 2019. Individuals and groups will be contacted directly (prior to the public announcement) as well as published on the website.
All entrants are welcome to attend the Awards evening. We particularly encourage finalists to attend and provide all finalists with a special discount code. The event provides an opportunity to be celebrated and recognised for your outstanding work in your field.
Although we would love to give everyone feedback on their nomination, they are reviewed by multiple judges who are not always able to comment on each nomination.
For any questions or queries regarding your nomination, please contact Kathy Sidaris from Communications Alliance on 02 9959 9111 or email her at
Slatterys is proud to be managing the 2019 ACOMMS on behalf of Communications Alliance.